Love pop up cards: straight from the heart

Love pop up cards: straight from the heart

Someday or somehow, any one of us will experience love and feelings when thinking about a person. Every love affair, whether lasting or belong to the past will be saved into memories and not easily forgotten in your heart. And in one way or another, expressing love to lover is the desire of any heart that has fallen in love.

In the digital age, messages, calls, and e-mail gradually replaced the hand-written confession letters. So those letters have become the part of the memory, of something unforgettable. Until recently, when we read the love letters of writer Luu Quang Vu and poet Xuan Quynh wrote each other in the Vietnam literature, we can not help but feel revived. And we suddenly realized that even though there are many forms of confession, the handwriting love letter is always the closest way to connect two souls.

Lovemarks from the bottom of heart

Nowadays, expressing and sending nostalgia or sentiment through each word on the page is probably quite strange to young people, when it is easy to "copy" and "forward" to each other lines of sweet message quickly through Facebook, Skype, Viber, ... But love is always the story of two people. There are no love affairs like any love and only you understand your feelings for the your lover. So why do you have to "borrow" love message from other people without writing your own?

Occasionally, let's romance your relationship by writing a handwritten love letter to him or her. That may be a long letter about everything on the earth or just three words "I love you". That makes no matters. Whether the writing is scribbled or well written, the most important thing is your love and your sincerity touching their heart. And maybe your lover will respond with a love letter that is more passionate and emotional, right?

love pop up cards with cherry blossom pop up card

Cherry Blossom pop up card

Love pop up cards engraved in memory

Since each love letter is made of delicate paper, many people regard it as a treasure. So they cherish it and store it in a compartment or a private wooden box. Occasionally, the letters will be opened so their owners can relive the sweet and happy feelings of love. And besides, instead of expressing your love through each piece of plain white paper, you can send your lover some pretty love pop up cards. So that he or she can place those love pop up cards in a small corner of the house and look at them every day. This is the best way to remind him or her of the heart of the sender.

In love, everything can change, whether it will be forever or become the memory of youth. But at least, when looking at those hand-written love pop up cards, everyone can nostalgic about a time when they fell in love. Do you think so?


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