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Enjoy all the benefits of the Free Plan and Monthly All Access Plan, plus an exclusive 90% discount code for digital SVG products valid all year, monthly 30-35% discounts on physical products, and early access to new designs. With this plan, you’ll also receive 1 free physical product of your choice, making it the ultimate package for dedicated crafters!

- All the benefits of the free monthly plan
- Get a 90% discount code for 365 days on digital SVG products.
- Get a new 30-35% discount code on physical products
- Early access to new releases
- Get 1 free physical product of your choice


All Access


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Unlock all the perks of the Free Plan, plus enjoy a 65% discount code for digital SVG products (valid for 30 days), monthly 20-30% discount codes on physical products, and exclusive access to a new SVG design every month. With this plan, you can also request up to 3 personalized designs tailored to your needs!

- All the benefits of the free plan
- Get a 65% discount code for 30 days on digital SVG products.
- Get a new 20-30% discount code every month on physical products.
- Access to an exclusive new SVG design every month.
- Request up to 3 personalized design requests

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